Women Programs
Le Village supports Women start-ups and entrepreneurs to achieve sustainable growth.
Social Empowerment Support
We provide Women with the essential tools to build the confidence, the autonomy and the power to drive change and pave way to the creation of a sustainable future.
Capacity Building
We offer business and vocational skills that Young Women need to be able to start a business or to structure their existing micro business in order to earn more revenues, create jobs, acquire more assets and access loans.
Dedicated Mentoring
We provide Women with dedicated time where they enjoy a personalized and tailored programme to their specific needs and growth challenges
Network Development
We bring Women together to form bigger ventures, to access better networks and tap into larger markets for growth.
Key figures about Women's economic Situation
1 in every 10 Women lives in extreme poverty. If current trends were to continue, an estimated 8% of the World’s female population: 342M Women and Girls will still be living on less than $2.15 a day by 2030 of which an estimated 220M will live in Sub Saharan Africa.
Women are also less likely to become entrepreneurs as they face more disadvantages starting businesses. In 2022 the established business rate for Women was 5.5%, this means that the gender gap is greater in the entrepreneurship cycle, demonstrating women face many the world of work is key to achieving the 2030 Sustainable development goals.
- When Women work economies grow
- Their empowerment is essential to achieving Women’s rights and gender equality translates in benefiting from decent work and social protection, access to markets and having control over resources as well as a meaningful participation in economic decision making.
- Closing the gender gap in the world of work is key to achieving the 2030 sustainable development goals